season to season
“Will you learn to love when heavenly change is sent down to you from above?” The words that were whispered into my spirit as I woke out of sleep on the first of this year. Convicting. How often do we become offended by a “wrench” thrown into the process of manufacturing our own plans? And how much MORE frequently do we mistake the expeditious current of His Spirit for a riptide? Utterly panicked, our fight or flight kicks in, and we’re looking for an out. I don't want to get away from His drift. His shift. His redirection-disguised gift. For every sudden change steers towards another promise gained. If His plans for me are good, then I won't let this stay misunderstood--what comes as “change” to me was literally no surprise to Thee. It’s His yoke that washes away feelings of stolen comfortability. It’s risky--to fall into love with the tossing of the waves. But make no mistake. It’s the going under that will immerse you in a new sense of “safe”. If His year for me is the shoreline and the wind His pull, then I’m coming in high tide. I will learn to embrace and refuse all nature to deny.
I won’t resist it.
Written by: Jenna Brogden