Savannah Royster

More than ever before, I am beginning to know truly that I am His and He is mine. What God out there states that you, the worshiper, are not only His child but also His Bride? There is no one like Him and there are none beside Him. This past year has been the absolute most awakening year of my entire life. “Why”, you may ask? My whole life up until January 1st, 2020, I believed in God and would claim to have known Him well. Little did I know I hadn’t even tasted the dew off of His shoe yet. My lack of knowing the true experience of His most intimate power and glory, led me time and time again back into the cycles of burning out and falling away from the path of life. I would taste and then become thirsty again and again to the point of exhaustion. Nothing was ever really so good as to say, “I have something to shout about, and I will never grow tired of doing that.” I never fully was convinced of His Goodness, because I didn’t truly know what it was to experience it yet, even when I thought I did. My cycles of burn out were causing me to question the very reality of His Goodness and Truth of His Power and Love. I fell really hard back into a lifestyle of sexual perversion in 2018. When the heat came, my core belief of God’s love for me and His fully satisfying lifestyle was met with sheer emptiness. He was not enough for me in that moment, and little did I know it was His grace that led me into one of the darkest seasons of my life. He loved me so much, He gave me a safe place to fall and a means to be once and for all completely transformed by His power and love for me. Leading up to January 1st, 2020, I had a radical and violent deliverance. I had given authority to too many perverse spirits, which enabled them to torment me, and I practically let them tell me how to live my daily life. I needed true freedom. So I cried out with all that was within me for this freedom I had heard so much about, but never experienced. He knew what I needed. He went before me even after I turned my back on His sovereign love and truth. On that day, January 1st, 2020, my life was forever changed. I came out like a new born baby as vulnerable and weak as ever, after the 45 minute deliverance I had. I experienced His power and love that set me free and set me ablaze like never before. I now knew Him as the God of Power and radical Love. I was convinced like never before. His grace and mercy was sufficient for me. 

Later, in May of 2020, I had been ushered into an encounter that changed the course of my life more than anything ever has. I encountered the reality of Hell in complete severance to the breath, life, and presence of God. My words are unable to explain and express to you the vast and terrible reality of that which took place on this day. I was forever changed. This reality awakened my dire desperation for every breath I breathe to be drenched with the knowledge and life of the Holy One, who lives in my very soul and guides at all times. I became desperate for God in a way I had never known before. This encounter began in the middle of the night when I was alone in the house I was staying in, and it didn’t lift until 12 hours later. It took me days to recover from it. I didn’t understand what this was but I soon realized it was the grace of God that allowed me to taste the reality of the thickness of darkness that was allowed to overtake Jesus for 3 days after His death on the cross. The Lord revealed to me that it was in the pits of Hell that Jesus had to be tested beyond measure for the sake of overcoming. It was in the pits of Hell that Jesus had to cling, by supernatural Faith, with all of His might to the Truth of God in the face of all evil, and the very breath of God being taken from Him, hence the quote, “My God why have you forsaken me?” I never knew the reality of what that phrase was actually insinuating until that dark night in May of 2020; it was revealed in such measure that I will never be the same again. My whole view and desire of this life we have been given and the purpose of following Christ, spreading His Truth to the lost, and delivering others from demonic oppression by the Power of God has never been more alive in my Spirit than it is today. That day changed my life forever. I now know the reality of what I’m saying “yes” to when I choose sin over God’s Love and Truth. The actual reality is extreme torment and gnashing of teeth beyond measure. It would terrify you to taste this - I do not wish this reality and experience upon anyone. But because of the stronghold of His Love and Power, I now can cling to the reality of Christ within me, the very source of life in my very bones. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the enemy has been defeated and stands powerless against the authority of Christ within me. I also now know the reality of what I’m choosing when I choose sinful desires over the fullness of Life and the all-consuming fire of His divine Love that eradicates all other loves. It is so simple: we either choose to feast on death, the reality of living in Hell for all eternity, or we choose to feast on Life, the reality of the fullness of Truth, Love, and family beyond measure. 

From this place, His goodness has overwhelmed me beyond anything I ever knew possible. His redeeming Love and divine blessing in my life since this happened has radically undone me into a place of divine adoration for the Living, Breathing God, my ultimate protector and Lover of lovers. The measure of supernatural breakthrough and increase that I have experienced through His love for me brought me to such a place of personal need to bless the feet of my Jesus for not only dying for me, not only saving me from the literal pits of Hell, but on top of all of that, showering me with blessing upon blessing of the abundance of truly living. I needed to give Him something more than any possession could ever measure up to. I had already given Him everything I could. I was fully open to letting go of all this world had to offer for the sake of obedience to the One Who is Life and Love and Divine Freedom. I asked Jesus on October 18th, of 2020 what I could truly give Him that would be worthy enough to give Him as my alabaster jar response to His love and worthiness; He simply showed me a vision of me cutting off my hair with no one around and no one else’s comments or thoughts on the matter. Just me, and Jesus. I can assure you, it got REAL considering that act. Sure enough, He reminded me, “Savannah I want you to know how much I love you, and how much strength you possess in me. I want you to realize that I would never ask anything of you that I wasn’t certain you were fully equipped and prepared to do for me. My daughter, I saw this in you from day one. I knew you and I chose YOU to know me. I have much for you and I want you to know this is the threshold you’ve been seeking after, a proper offering of Love. I love you, my Savannah.” So with that, I looked at myself in the mirror and said, “Savannah, you are most beautiful.” Next thing I know, I was cutting my hair off with rusty old scissors and then finished it off with a razor blade from my shower (had no buzzer). All that was left on my head was about a centimeter length of my hair all around. It got real. On that day, I was again forever changed. My hair, my crown, was stripped because of Him Who is worthy and although I had much opposition with this decision, the blessing far outweighed any opinion of man. I have never been more alive in my life and more on fire for Life in Jesus. He led me to the most sacred offering I’ve ever known up until this point. I have been forever changed by Him.

So, my friends, as I live on I assure you, He is worthy and He will be found Faithful and True to you now and forevermore. I have no doubt in Who He is and how much He loves me. I urge you, become desperate for God and demand transformation. Cry out to Him and He will set you COMPLETELY FREE and strike His passionate and fiery love in the core of everything you are, and you shall be fully convinced. Become desperate for Him and you will never taste the void again in your life. Blessed are the poor in Spirit, for there’s is the fullness of the Kingdom of God. I bless you my friends, and I renounce the power of death over your lives. Greater is He who is living inside of you, than he who is in the world! God bless you all!

Written by: Savannah Royster


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