Kierra Smith

Chosen: one who’s is selected or marked for divine favor; an elect person

I’ve wrestled with this word for quite some time. To be completely transparent it's a word that has been extremely difficult for me to comprehend until recently. It almost felt unattainable. Perfectionism and I have spent quite some time together, we’ve been friends for a while and as a direct reflection of that partnership my view of the Father was distorted. How could a perfect Savior have enough grace for an imperfect daughter to choose and pursue her every day? Because I had such a hard time grasping that concept fear, performance, defeat, perfection and doubt crippled me. Self-dependency resulted in rejection of his grace and as a result his love felt out of reach. Constantly finding my worth in my works, exhaustion began to take root. After one encounter with Jesus my life changed, I heard the words “Daughter, you are chosen”. Those simple four words were the reassurance I had been searching for all along. He chose me. Despite my shortcomings, sin and pride. It’s been a beautiful journey with the Father. I’ve entered a season of redemption, reclaiming my worth and desiring more of who he says I am.    Coming to the beautiful realization that my imperfections and flaws do not disqualify me from his grace nor does it seclude me from being chosen and used by God in whatever way HE desires. His will, not mine. 

 This season of life may look very different than you would’ve imagined it. I know for me it has. I’ve experienced heartache, pain, disappointment you name it, I’ve felt the weight of shame and guilt thinking and wishing I could’ve done more. In moments of defeat, I cling to 2 Corinthians 12:9 because it's a subtle yet powerful reminder that Jesus bore my burdens so that I don't have to. If you struggle with fully acknowledging God’s grace and love I encourage you to start at the Cross. When Jesus sent his Son down to die he had your flaws and shortcomings in mind. He’s never changed his mind about you. He is not intimidated by your scars, hurt, imperfection etc. In fact he’s drawn to it. Whatever calling is over your life, know that you are chosen for such a time as this. He’s a God of sovereignty, the more we submit to his sovereignty, the better we steward the gifts he’s placed in us. No need to measure up to the things he’s already laid down for you. I challenge you to surrender perfection and embrace the grace that is easily accessible. Wherever you find yourself, whether broken or bruised let his goodness meet you there.  Restoration is attainable. If he calls you to it, whatever that may be; he will sustain you through it. Release the pressure of performance and self-righteousness and come as you are, with a heart abandoned. He desires the real you. He’s not asking for your perfection, he just wants your surrendered heart. As we enter a new season may you experience direct intimacy with the Father, and may you encounter him through the lens of love. May his grace captivate the inner parts of your heart and may you dwell with him in the secret place forever. I leave you with this promise, You are chosen. Let that be enough. 

“Dear brothers and sisters, you are dearly loved by God and we know that he has chosen you to be his very own.” 1 Thessalonians 1:4 ( TPT) 

Written by: Kierra Smith 


Emily Hudson


Erin Pender